Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday Musical

Welcome to Friday!  I know I posted the big unveil yesterday, but I was having so much fun this morning with the radio (yes, my car is old, and I have to listen to the radio) that I wanted to share some musical inspirations for Friday.  This is proof the radio can still play decent music!  On occasion.  And no, we will not listen to or discuss a certain song which was terrible and about Friday.  No, no, no.

So, want to know what I cook too?  What I daydream and sing off key to while putting recipes together?  Why sometimes there's 58 grams of ginger but only 54 of almonds in a recipe?  Well, it depends on the inspiration.  I have a lot of inspiration in my life.  Some gets to constantly meander around my head as I struggle to pull coherent thought together and some just pop up and are a hit for a minute and then fade away.

So, today, I figured since I don't really have a recipe for you (because of yesterday - I really hope everyone can try that meringue cake soon!) then today I'll make sure you have some great tunes.  If they aren't that inspirational for you, we will roll some more!  I used to do the song of the day, maybe we'll add that to Fridays.
I wanted to add GGD Last Hot Night in America, really upbeat and fun, but it's not been recorded yet.  I have it recorded from a concert and the YouTube concert videos can be sketchy.  If I find a decent one, I'll post it (if I wasn't screaming my head off in my own videos, I'd post those....) Very fun song!

Get your kitchens warmed up and your music blasting!  Enjoy!

Maroon 5 - always good for an upbeat song.

Funny, with this Cranberries song, they played it on the radio this morning, and I heard it a few days ago in Publix (grocery store)... the top few comments people are saying they heard it in Publix!!! LOL  INSPIRATION!! I like this girl's lyric version because she gets them right!

Plain White T's - I just find it funny that the girl in the video is right there with today's current style and this was produced 7-9 years ago.   Fashion just isn't what it used to be, but this song, is very "in."

And who ISN'T a fan of FUN!?  Besides the cutie lead singer who looks like he walked right out of a dapper 1950's era, the redhead on the keyboard makes this video all win.

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Did you enjoy one of the recipes or just killing time at work on a Friday? Let everyone know! Also, if you modified a recipe with great success - post it! We love new ideas and delicious foods! Keep it clean and family friendly!