So, welcome back from the weekend. It's been a great one for all you who are probably NOT reading this blog but still on a Sat night high from the Goos show in Orlando. Of which... I missed. DON'T PANIC! I didn't die. Obviously. I'm here writing. =) No, perhaps in a fate worse than death, I had sinus surgery. I know, I know, you're thinking, "Well, what day was it, cuz I'd totally brave some pain to get some Goo?!" Yes, agree. I think under normal circumstances - like pneumonia - I'd just go and that would be that. But this was a little different. I didn't have someone who could drive me (and I couldn't drive), I had no working painkillers (still don't), and doc orders said to stay away from other people (what's some germs among Goo fans?) Monday morning found me at my computer, sighing over fan recordings and comments on the site about how awesome and kick@ss it was and how John sang an acoustic version of "Can't Let It Go." /swooning.
What does all this have to do with a food blog? Nothing. But you can't have good food without good music and you can't enjoy good food and good music without good company and here we are. =) Glad you made it. I'm still kinda recovery mode and that means having to be purposefully lazy. So, as a sneak peak to Friday, we're going to do a really simple, colorful, delicious side dish. You're not going to want to save this one for company because it's just easy to do any night and then hide in the back of your refrigerator so you can have the leftovers the next day. Here's your hint: pairs perfectly with turkey! But like I said, don't just save it for that. You can put it with meatloaf, roasted chicken, and maybe even a buttered whitefish! They all work with this one.
To get your mouth watering, here's your pic of the day: >=) (evil grin)

I believe this picture was taken when he was talking about the time they woke up from a drunken night to find themselves in dresses, him with one leg shaved, and 3rd degree burns all over their bodies; it was also shortly before John started throwing his clothes into the crowd. That was a really fun night. We met him out on the street before the concert and got an autograph then my oldest son went with J (owner of the other pic from previous post) for the meet and greet. This was a Goo jackpot for him that night.
See you Friday!
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Did you enjoy one of the recipes or just killing time at work on a Friday? Let everyone know! Also, if you modified a recipe with great success - post it! We love new ideas and delicious foods! Keep it clean and family friendly!